You will be able to see where the matches occur and the sources of the matches in Turnitin. it is not always an indication of plagiarism and will always need a human to interpret the report.even a small amount of matching text can be considered plagiarism if it has come from another source without being appropriately paraphrased, cited and referenced.the higher the similarity percentage, the more likely it is that your marker will suspect plagiarism.

The main things to keep in mind are that: Some subject coordinators or tutors may specify a similarity percentage that they consider to be the maximum amount allowable, but this is their personal preference rather than an official UTS requirement. Although many students ask what the "acceptable" maximum similarity percentage is, there is no specific percentage that is considered acceptable or unacceptable at UTS. Turnitin identifies matching text and calculates this as a percentage, referred to as the similarity percentage. Students with accessibility requirements.Short course and microcredential participants.International Studies and Social Sciences.Use class homepage link – choose yes to create a homepage link To set up a link, enter a link name and URL below.Send me e-mail updates – choose yes to receive e-mail updates from Turnitin.Show page info – toggles the info messages at the top of each page on and off.File download format - select the default format for downloading files: let me choose, original format and PDF format.Items per page – sets the number of items you would like displayed per page.Default submission type – select a default submission type: single file upload, multiple file upload, cut and paste upload or zip file upload.Default user type – determines the type of user you log in as (administrator, instructor, or student) if you would like to change user types, you can do so by selecting an option from the dropdown.Select the User Info link at the top right of the page.Īccount settings are listed on the right side of the User Information/Account Sections panel.Log in to (or if you are in the UK).Here you may set user-level defaults for commonly used functions.